Wednesday 11 September, 11:30am - 1pm, Te Newhanga Kapiti Community Centre, Paraparaumu. Let's get together and build on some of the online and individual discussions we have had over winter. Let's discuss ways that your creative practice can be strengthened, creative business pathways, any barriers you might be experiencing, ideas for how things can be better, opportunities you recommend, and together, we will capture it in a pl an. With the third largest creative workforce in NZ (3rd equal with Queenstown) are we doing enough to back your success? Here is a link to the Bay of Plenty plan (see their vision below): This is the first of two workshops. In this workshop, the first half, we will discuss the questions above. The second half, I have invited KCDC Economic Development Manager Darryn Grant and Senior ED Advisor Leanna Covacich from KCDC to join us and advise us on the opportunities that the refresh of the Kapiti Econom...